Posted by on Dec 21, 2012

Sun-Misc3-webNo stranger to the long-standing RTE programme, “Sunday Miscellany”, having read many times down the years on the popular Sunday morning show, Val Mulkerns is to read a new piece related to the 1916-2016 commemorations on the show for the coming Easter weekend.

The author is the daughter of JJ Mulkerns, a man who fought with the Easter rebels in the GPO, but who was also a railwayman, a strolling player and the writer of satirical songs.  A tall, copper-haired man with a striking voice, he was arrested during the Rising and eventually interned in the notorious Frongoch prison camp, a former whiskey factory in Northern Wales.

He was nicknamed “The Rajah of Frongoch” by fellow-prisoners because of his flamboyant role as MC at the camp’s music-hall style presentations each Friday evening, when the men would sing, present dramas and play traditional music.

For more on this, see the article about the author’s visit to Frongoch last December, 2015, written by Maev Kennedy in the Guardian.

The Sunday Miscellany programme is to be recorded at a live event at the Wexford Opera House – for info and tickets click here.